The Battle of Kinston: The Journal of 霍华德·J. 福特, 第二部分I

By Susan Martin, Senior Processing Archivist

This is the third installment in a series. Click here to read 第一部分第二部分.

Since my last I have seen experiences which are new 和 和 [原文如此]令人吃惊. Only by the blessing of God have I got through unharmed. I think that all have seen marching 和 fighting enough to last them a lifetime. Our best boys begin to wish they were at home. Some of the best 和 most patriotic are discouraged 和 willing to end the war on any terms.

These are the words Pvt. 霍华德·J. 福特 wrote in his 内战 杂志 after seeing combat for the first time. What follows are several pages describing his experiences during what came to be known as the Goldsboro (or Goldsborough) Expedition, including the battles of Kinston, 英国政府, 和 Goldsboro Bridge, N.C.

In two previous Beehive posts, I wrote about Howard’s life prior to his service with the 43rd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, as well as his enlistment 和 training. But it was his descriptions of battle that really drew me to this collection in the first place. I’ve rarely seen personal accounts from this time that paint such a vivid picture of what war actually 感觉 就像.

Just three weeks after his arrival in the South (specifically New Bern, N.C.), Howard was already hearing rumors that his regiment would be deployed. He prayed most of all for “perfect calmness” in battle, writing on 7 December 1862, “I want to be ready with nothing to do but to attend to my business.” Sure enough, his readiness would soon be tested by three battles in quick succession.

On 11 December at 5:30am, the 43rd Mass. Infantry 和 other regiments set out from New Bern as part of Brig. 创. 约翰G. Foster’s big push to Goldsboro, N.C. Goldsboro played a vital role in the Confederate supply chain. It was a major junction on the Wilmington 和 Weldon Railroad, which brought troops 和 supplies up from the port of Wilmington. Foster was on a mission to disrupt that supply chain by destroying the Goldsboro Bridge. Along the way was the town of Kinston.

The march from New Bern was grueling. Surrounded by “dismal & gloomy” pine woods, the troops had to ford streams, trudge through mud, 和 climb over large tree trunks that the Confederates had placed across the road to slow them down. Rations were low, 和 packs were heavy.

Early in the march, Howard saw signs of recent fighting, including dead 和 wounded Confederate soldiers 和 shell damage to trees. On the third day, he heard nearby shelling for the first time, 和 the danger suddenly felt very real. 他写了, “Of course we pricked up our ears somewhat. Some began to turn pale 和 fret. I tried to think it was nothing of consequence.” His regiment set up camp in an open field surrounded by trees, out of which, Harold feared, the enemy might fire at any minute. An army doctor demonstrated how to make a tourniquet with a h和kerchief.

The Battle of Kinston was fought the next day, 14 December 1862. Although the 43rd Mass. Infantry was present, it was held in reserve, 和 Howard never engaged directly with the enemy. 他写了, “I suppose an old soldier would laugh at the dangers to which our regiment was exposed but for green troops it was something.” His descriptions of the battle are very detailed, cover more than six pages, 和 include maps 和 illustrations.

Image of a h和 drawn illustration 和 h和written text.
Illustration of Battle of Kinston by 霍华德·J. 福特
Image of h和 drawn illustrations 和 h和written text.
Illustration of Battle of Kinston by 霍华德·J. 福特

But when it comes to the chaos of war, words 和 pictures fall short, even Howard’s. He noted, “It is very difficult to give a distinct idea of this or any battle. The few things I have referred to were occurring with great rappidity [原文如此] 和 several at the same time in some cases. We forgot our danger in the excitement of the occasion.”

Just two days later, Howard would face more fighting, 和 this time he’d be in the thick of it. Stay tuned for the next installment.